Friday, October 25, 2019


What is cancer?   

Cancer is not a single disease rather it is a general term used to describe various malignant tumours

that affect all forms of higher organisms including plants and animals. More than a hundred types and
sub types of cancer are known to affect the human beings. Cancer can be defined as an abnormal

growth of cells in any tissue or organ of body. Cancer cells have potential to spread and grow in other
parts of body. Cancer preys on the host and continues to grow indefinitely competing with normal

cells of the body for nutrition.
Cancer had its origin since the evolution of multicellular organisms. Our knowledge of cancer goes

 back to the dawn of civilisation. The evidence of cancer has been found in skeletons of pre historic

animals and Egyptian mummies. The earliest written records on cancer have been traced to the

ancient Egyptian, Greek and Indian writings. The word Cancer has its origin from the Latin word

 Cancrum (Greek: Karkinos), which means crab. Ancient Indian surgeon, Sushruta, who used to

cauterise the tumours with red hot iron rods, described various types of tumour in his text ‘Sushruta

Samhita’ written in circa 600 B.C. Ancient Egyptians tried fire drill (insertion of heated metallic stick

into the tumour) to treat cancer. It is believed that the Greek surgeon, Leonides, was the first to

 operate upon cancer with a knife.

"What causes Cancer?" was the most debatable topic during the twentieth century. After a prolonged

era of confusion over the genesis of cancer, this was finally established by end of the century that

cancer is caused by mutations in the growth regulatory genes & pathways including oncogenes and

tumour suppressor genes.

Dr. S.P. Kaushal M.B.B.S., M.D. (Chinese medicine), Ph.D., D.Sc., contributed more than 25 years

 along with a team of doctors in Sino Vedic Cancer Research Centre to identify various anticancer

herbs having antimutagenic, DNA repairing, proapoptotic, antitumourangiogenesis,

immunomodulatory, chemoprotective and radioprotective properties and develop various herbal

formulations including Oncotame, Cancertame and Immunotone.
Sino Vedic Herbal Formulations are better remedies, especially for those cancer patients who have

become resistant to chemotherapy and for those who are not fit for surgery, chemotherapy &

radiotherapy due to old age, marked weakness or any other factor including renal failure, hepatic

failure or cardiac dysfunctions and also for those who are detected in advanced stages of cancer.

Sino Vedic herbal formulations help to fight cancer at every step i.e., genesis, growth and spread of

cancer. These herbal formulations help to tame aggressive cancer cells by repairing damaged DNA,

 inhibiting mutations in the genes, blocking cancer promoting enzymes & hormones, reviving the

process of apoptosis (programmed cell death) and inhibiting tumour angiogenesis (ability of cancer

cells to create new blood vessels). Sino Vedic herbs inhibit growth & spread of cancer by modulating

 the activity of hormones, enzymes and other biological factors. Sino Vedic herbal formulations

minimise the incidence of recurrence of cancer and reduce side effects of chemotherapy &

 radiotherapy including life threatening complications such as bone marrow suppression.

Research center 

Sino Vedic Cancer Research Centre was founded by Dr. S.P. Kaushal M.B.B.S., M.D. (Chinese

medicine), Ph. D., D.Sc., in February 1985, by creating a team of doctors and scientists with the aim

 to explore the role of herbs to fight cancer. Over a period of two decades, this team under the able

guidance of Dr. Kaushal identified more than 450 anticancer herbs having having antimutagenic,

DNA repairing, proapoptotic, antitumourangiogenesis, immunomodulatory, chemoprotective and

radioprotective properties properties and further developed various anticancer herbal formulations

including Oncotame, Cancertame and Immunotone that help to fight cancer without side effects. Sino

 Vedic herbal formulations execute their therapeutic effect by complex synergistic interactions among

various phytoconstituents (active principles) of these precious anticancer herbs. Sino Vedic herbal

formulations are better remedies, especially for those cancer patients who become resistant to

chemotherapy and for those who are not fit to receive chemotherapy & radiotherapy due to old age,

marked weakness or any other factor including cardiac insufficiency, renal failure, hepatic failure,

severe bone marrow suppression and for those who are detected in advanced stages of cancer. 

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What is cancer?    Cancer is not a single disease rather it is a general term used to describe various malignant tumours that affect al...